How to make kullhad kulfi

matka kulfi

About matka kulfi

Matka Kulfi, also known as Kulhad Kulfi, tastes incredibly delicious during the summer season and is prepared almost everywhere.

The specialty of Matka Kulfi is that it is set in a clay pot, which gives it a unique taste and texture. Various flavors such as saffron, pistachio, almond, and cardamom are added to enhance its taste, making it even more delightful.

It features a unique blend of rich creaminess. The milk for Matka Kulfi is first thickened over a slow flame to ensure it develops a luscious cream layer. Then, it is set in clay pots to achieve its signature texture and flavor.

Matka Kulfi can be set in clay pots, plastic containers, or any suitable vessel. With its delicious form, Matka Kulfi holds a significant place in Indian cuisine and is especially popular among people during the summer season.

The taste and aroma of Matka Kulfi are unique. This kulfi stands apart from regular kulfis as it is prepared in various flavors such as malai, saffron, almond, pistachio, and more, catering to different preferences.

Each flavor of Matka Kulfi leaves a distinct impression on the hearts of those who taste it. During the summer season, it becomes one of the most beloved desserts.

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About matka kulfi


How to make matka kulfi

Tips and FAQ


Water – 1/4 cup

Milk – 1 liter

Plain khoya (mawa) – 3/4 cup

Cardamom powder – 1 teaspoon

Saffron strands – 7-8

Powdered sugar – 1/2 cup


Pistachios – for garnishing

Cashews – for garnishing

How to make matka kulfi

To make Matka Kulfi, pour water into a non-stick pan. Add the milk and bring it to a boil. Once it boils, reduce the heat to low and add plain khoya (mawa). Stir continuously until the mixture thickens.

Next, add cardamom powder and mix well. Add saffron strands and stir again. Then, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Finally, add chopped nuts and give it a good stir. Turn off the heat.

Meanwhile, soak the clay matkas (pots) in water for some time to ensure they are free of any dust or dirt. Dry them thoroughly. Pour the kulfi mixture into the pots and garnish the top with chopped pistachios. Cover each pot with aluminum foil and place them in the freezer overnight to set.

Your Matka Kulfi is ready to enjoy.


You can also use roti wrap paper instead of aluminum foil.

After adding sugar to the milk, cook it for a little while to ensure it thickens properly. This is important because sugar contains water, which could make the milk thin, and the kulfi won’t have the desired texture and taste.

Scrape off the cream that forms on the sides of the pan and keep mixing it into the milk. This helps the milk thicken faster and gives the kulfi a richer creaminess, enhancing its taste.

If you’re using sweet khoya (mawa), you can reduce the amount of sugar accordingly.

To prevent the milk from sticking to the bottom, you should keep stirring it constantly.

If you don’t have full-fat milk, you can skip it. In this recipe, I have used cow’s milk.

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