To make bottle gourd barfi, first peel the bottle gourd. Wash it thoroughly and cut it into large pieces. After cutting, remove the white inner part using a knife and grate the bottle gourd.
Take a non-stick pan and add a little ghee. Once the ghee is hot, add crushed cardamom powder. Now, add the grated bottle gourd and sauté it for 10 minutes. When the color of the bottle gourd lightens slightly, add milk to it. Cook the bottle gourd on medium to high heat until the milk reduces to one-fourth.
When a little milk remains, add sugar to the mixture and cook it again on medium heat until the bottle gourd mixture comes together. Once the mixture starts leaving the sides of the pan and coming together , turn off the flame.
Take a square tray, grease it lightly with ghee, and spread the barfi mixture evenly on it. After 2-3 hours, cut the barfi into pieces using a knife. Decorate with dry fruits or silver leaf. Your tasty bottle gourd barfi is ready.
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