What is yeast, and what does it do?
Yeast is a type of fungus. In scientific terms, it is also called a fungus. It is used to leaven food items such as bread, pav, buns, etc.
Where is yeast used, and how many types are there?
Yeast is predominantly used in the bakery industry. It comes in various forms, such as instant yeast, dry yeast, and compressed yeast.
How to ferment yeast?
To ferment yeast, take a bowl and add a little lukewarm milk. Add 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and mix well. Then, add 1 teaspoon of yeast, mix it, and cover the bowl. Place it in a warm spot for 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, the yeast will ferment, and the fermented yeast can be used for dough preparation.
What is the significance of temperature in yeast fermentation?
In warm weather, yeast ferments quickly. However, in cold weather, it takes more time to ferment. During winter, it should be kept in a warm place or covered with a warm cloth to aid fermentation.
Can yeast be prepared at home?
No, yeast is prepared through a chemical process. It is not possible to make yeast at home.
Can wheat flour be used instead of all-purpose flour (maida)?
Yes, wheat flour can be used instead of all-purpose flour. Bread made from wheat flour is available in the market and is usually brown in color.
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