How to make saatu pedhe

saatu pedhe

About sattu ladoo

Sweet is everyone’s first choice, whether it’s a homemade halwa or any sweet brought from the market. So, in this context, today I want to share the recipe for Sattu ke Laddus, which are made for Kajli Teej. These Sattu ke Laddus are special for Teej and are especially consumed by women observing the fast on Teej day. After this, the fast is completed by offering water to the moon. Talking about the Kajli Teej fast, on this day, women fast for the long life of their husbands. Married women and unmarried girls celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. On this day, along with making Sattu ke Laddus, various types of dishes are prepared in every household.

At night, all the women listen to the story (katha) and offer prayers to the moon to break their fast. In India, Teej festivals hold great significance in every region. And these Teej festivals reflect the unity in the diversity of India. The Sattu ke Laddus made on Teej are prepared from chickpea flour (chana daal) and rice. Making them is very simple, and they are extremely tasty to eat. Anyone, from children to adults, can make them. I really like Sattu ke Laddus made from chickpea flour. The laddus become quite heavy due to the ghee, but they are also nutritious, so without any hesitation, they can be given to other family members or children to eat.

Sattu made from chickpea flour, along with flour and rice, also tastes very good. To make wheat flour sattu, the wheat flour needs to be roasted well, but this step can be skipped because roasted flour is easily available in the market. This makes it much easier to make the laddus. For these sattu laddus, I have used gond (edible gum). Instead of using it directly, it is first fried in ghee to make gond phool (puffed gond). After that, it is added to the laddus and bound together. If we call these sattu laddus “besan ke laddus,” it wouldn’t be wrong because the method of making besan laddus is very similar to this.

Sattu is made using roasted chickpea flour, which not only tastes great but is also used in many other dishes, such as sherbat (a cooling drink) and paratha. During the summer, it not only provides a cooling effect to the body but also replenishes various nutrients. So, let’s get started with making the laddus. To read more recipes like this, click on the link below.

Basic information about sattu teej

  • Sattu is a traditional food made from roasted chickpeas or barley. It provides cooling and energy to the body, especially during the summer.

  • Sattu holds special significance during Teej. It is used as prasad during the festival, symbolizing purity and prosperity.

  • To make Teej’s sattu, roasted chickpeas or barley are finely ground. It is mixed with sugar, cardamom powder, and ghee to make laddus, which are extremely delicious.

  • Teej laddus are traditional sweets made from sattu, powdered sugar, and ghee. These laddus are not only delicious in taste but also beneficial for health.

  • The mixture of desi powdered sugar and ghee in Teej’s sattu enhances the flavor, making it a perfect offering as prasad during the festival.

  • Sattu’s Teej is a special festival in North India, where women fast for the long life of their husbands and the well-being of their families. During this time, sattu-based dishes are primarily prepared and consumed.

  • The Teej festival symbolizes the arrival of the monsoon. On this day, women fast and pray to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, consuming prasad made from sattu.

  • Sattu is useful not only on the occasion of Teej but also in everyday meals. It provides cooling, energy, and nourishment to the body.

  • The method of making Teej’s sattu is very simple. Roasted chickpea flour, powdered sugar, and dry fruits are mixed to prepare it, which is then offered as prasad.

  • On Teej, women wear traditional attire, sing and dance, perform prayers, and offer water to the moon. They enjoy sattu laddus and other sweets made from sattu.


About sattu ke laddu


How to make Teej special sattu laddu

Tips and FAQ


Sattu flour – 500 grams
Ghee – 250 grams
Desi sugar – 200 grams
Dry fruits
Gond (edible gum) – 25 grams

How to make Teej special sattu laddu

To make sattu laddus, first take chickpea flour (sattu). Add ghee, dry fruits, and gond (edible gum puffs) to it. Mix everything well. Then add desi sugar and mix thoroughly again. Now, shape the mixture into laddus and they are ready to serve.

To make gond ke phulle, take a non-stick pan and add ghee to it. Let the ghee heat up. Once it’s hot, add the gond (edible gum) to the pan and allow it to puff up. As soon as the gond starts to puff, remove it from the pan. Repeat this process until all the gond is puffed up and ready to use.

Tips and FAQ

Are Sattu laddus only eaten during the Teej festival?

If we talk about festivals, India is a country where every festival has a reason for celebration, and the foods prepared during these festivals hold special significance. While Sattu laddus can be made and eaten anytime, their taste is particularly unique during Teej. You can make and enjoy them on any occasion.

What if sattu flour is not available in the market, how to make the laddus?

If you can’t find sattu flour in the market, you can make the laddus at home by roasting gram flour (besan) until it gives off a pleasant aroma. Once the besan is roasted, turn off the gas and let it cool. After that, follow the given method to make the laddus. Alternatively, you can buy roasted gram (chana) from the market, remove its skin, and grind it finely in a mixer grinder. Then, make the laddus using the provided method.

Always use a thick-bottomed pan to roast the besan.

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