Layali Lubnani, also known as Semolina (suji) pudding, is a Middle Eastern dessert that is quite popular in Lebanon.
This dessert has two main layers: one made of semolina (suji) and the other of whipped cream on top. It is then garnished with pistachios and served with a light syrup. It is absolutely delicious to taste.
This dessert is served chilled. It is very easy to prepare and can be made for any small celebration, get-together, or even during Ramadan (Roza).
This dessert is not overly sweet, making it a healthy option. The light syrup adds just the right touch of sweetness, and the delicate taste of this Lebanese treat melts in your mouth perfectly.
If you’re looking for something light and tasty to enjoy as a dessert during the summer, Layali Lubnan can be an excellent choice for you.
So, let’s get started! If you liked this recipe, don’t forget to click the link below to explore my other recipes.
To make Layali Lubnan, start by adding sugar and water to a pan. Mix it well. Once the sugar dissolves completely in the water and small bubbles start to appear, add lemon juice. Mix it thoroughly, then turn off the heat.
On the other side, take a non-stick pan and mix semolina, sugar, and milk together. Cook it on low flame, stirring continuously. Once the mixture starts to thicken, turn off the heat. Grease a large square glass bowl with oil.
Now, pour the semolina mixture into the greased bowl. Let it cool completely. Cover it with cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to set properly.
Take fresh whipping cream in a bowl and whip it thoroughly. Remove the cling wrap from the semolina bowl. Spread the whipped cream evenly over the semolina layer. Smoothen the cream on top to level it properly.
Place it in the refrigerator to chill so the cream sets properly. Garnish it with chopped pistachios. Cut Layali Lubnan into pieces, drizzle syrup around it, and serve. Your Lebanese dessert is ready to enjoy.
For Layali Lubnan, we will prepare a no-thread syrup. To check the syrup, take a little between your fingers and run it. As soon as it feels slightly greasy, turn off the heat.
Both layers of the pudding should be set well in the refrigerator. After adding the cream layer, refrigerate it overnight so that it sets properly and can be easily cut into pieces.
Keep stirring the mixture of sugar, semolina, and milk continuously. Make sure there are no lumps in it. For this, keep the heat on a very low flame and stir it constantly.
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